We hold to an Indigenous Revolutionary ideology. There are a lot of political science majors who have learned about European ideologies and "isms", which are just teaching, opinions of Europeans as they struggled through their class wars. Many ideologies have risen over the years, like Marxism, Maoism, Anarchism, Nationalism, etc., and while they make good points, they addressed issues through their experiences as Europeans. A huge defining issue that separates us is that WE ARE NOT EUROPEANS! We are indigenous people who were colonized by those very Europeans. Whether they were rich or poor, they came here, committed mass genocide on our people, stole our land, enslaved us, oppressed us, and still to this very day have a colonial empire built on our backs and blood. Then after ALL of this, they have the nerve to tell us how we should think and how we should fight. NO! Our experience as indigenous people is much different than theirs. We have tens of thousands of years of history on this land, our blood, our souls, our genes are so interconnected with it. Our traditions and spirituality define us, they set us apart as protectors of these lands. Our political ideology is strongly influenced and intertwined with our spirituality and traditions. We choose the path of liberation, to define for ourselves what we want to believe, the struggles we fight for, and the human right to be self determined, empowered, liberated, and sovereign on our own land!
LAND BACK! This is Native land, every single bit of it, and all colonizers need to go back where they come from. Only Native nations are allowed to determine who they will allow on their lands.
SPIRITUALITY. We believe that our traditions and spirituality is what we need to decolonize and heal our people and land. We believe that part of the decolonization process is to deconstruct and remove these foreign imposed religions from our lives and our culture
LIBERATION. We believe in Social, Economic, and Political liberation from US Imperialism and all European influences.
SOLIDARITY. We stand in solidarity with many struggles of oppressed people as there does exist a level of interconnectedness of VALID struggles. We emphasize Valid because "White Lives Matter" and all the political spins and conspiracy theories that have been going around lately are not Valid struggles. Our level of participation may vary, depending how we prioritize it, our resources and our available people power, but in any case we lend our voice of support.
LOYALTY. Our fight is here, our people, our land, our struggle. This is our priority, our main focus. Whatever is good for our people and directly impacts us we will fully support and if it doesn't we will NOT be there.
CULTURE. We uplift our cultural heritage and traditions to their rightful place. We honor our ancestors and fight for our future generations. We seek to decolonize and re-tribalize, as each indigenous nation has its own uniqueness and place in this world.
POWER. Chicano Power, Native Power. If we are not organizing to take power as a people, then we are organizing in vain. As people who have been marginalized and disenfranchised for generations we have had little to no political, economic, social, legal, spiritual, educational power. It is obvious because this system was not created by us or for us. We don't want a piece of the “Master's Pie”, we want our own damn pie!
REVOLUTION. We are not reformists or conformists. W are neither left or right nor in the middle We are not civil rights activists or social justice activists. In fact we are not even activists. We are revolutionary soldiers/warriors and revolutionary organizers. The system doesn't need small tweeks, the system is completely corrupt and needs to be destroyed. While we may lend our services to defend our communities doing security during events and protests, building networks, and doing community service projects, our main objective is liberation.