Before proceeding, please carefully review the information on this page. Additionally, we require all applicants to thoroughly review our website before attending the meeting. This will ensure you're well-informed and prepared for further discussions.
As you advance through the process, you'll be asked questions and provided more detailed information. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to these requirements.
We are not going to lie and tell you that it will be easy, because it is not. You cannot be sworn in over the phone, by zoom meeting, or by simply clicking a button. It has to be done in person, by real Brown Berets who have legacy, who are authorized to swear you in, and ONLY after you have passed all the requirements and background check.
Age requirements are 18+. Old age is not a factor as long as you can keep up with the physical and mental requirements.
Attend either an online or in person information meeting.
Attend either an online or in person orientation meeting.
Begin a one year recruitment process where you will be tested, evaluated for mental, emotional, and physical abilities. We do not accept everybody, and if you think you're a special butterfly that should get a free pass, you're not and you won't. We only want the best, people who are dedicated, smart, committed, and ready to be soldiers. Many have tried, but few are chosen. During this time as a recruit, you listen, learn, train, and attend events and activities. We value integrity, dependability, reliability, and respect above all things. Your background will also be checked.
You must have a steady source of income and/or working on improving your life. You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself.
You must fully agree with our ideology, mission, purpose, and submit to the chain of command.
After the one year recruitment is over, you will be sworn in, by the National Commander in a special in-person ceremony and given your Uniform jacket, beret, and patch.
A cop, former cop, corrections officer, former corrections officer, or any law enforcement agency.
Anybody with a sexual crime or a history of sexual harassment and sexual abuse.
If you were kicked out of another Brown Beret group for serious rules violations.
People with ongoing alcoholism, drug addiction, or sexual addiction issues.
Serious mental, emotional, and physical health problems that would put the community at risk or keep you from doing your duty.
If you have a spotty history or have been attacking our members or organization, or showing support for the US government and its politics and policies, law enforcement, or the US military.
Compared to only 4.4% of white males, it is estimated that 1 in every 4 black men (26%), and 1 in every 6 brown men (16.5%), will go to jail at some point in their life. The cycle of poverty, abuse, and violence created by colonization, coupled with drug addiction and mental health problems, a deplorable education system, laws targeting black and brown communities, police abuse, etc., has led to this mass incarceration rate. We all know someone that was locked up at some point in their life. Having a felony or a criminal record will not disqualify you from membership, unless it is for a sexual crime. Each person is evaluated on who they are NOW, not who they used to be, or what they once did many years ago. If a person has shown a sincere attempt to rehabilitate, hold a job, attend ceremony, love their family, and serve the community, we will not hold that against them. Inherently this is what we want, to heal, restore, and empower our people. We are not law enforcement or colonizers that we would self-righteously turn our noses to our own people. We believe in RESTORATIVE JUSTICE. It is those who have been through the worst, who have seen "hell", who have the wisdom and willingness to be an example of what it means to be accountable and restored back to our families and communities.
If you want to ONLY go to an information meeting please fill out the "Learn More" form. If you would like to join please fill out both forms.