Our Mission

The Brown Beret Organization is an Indigenous Chicano organization committed to protecting and serving our Indigenous Chicano communities. We are Community Military, we train and prepare ourselves to respond to the local issues and emergencies that affect Indigenous Chicano communities. We work with youth and adults to build political, social, and cultural consciousness to combat gang violence, drug addiction, domestic abuse, poverty, etc. We are a revolutionary organization, fighting against white supremacy and government abuse, by directly confronting them and empowering our communities by building centers of self-determination and liberation.

Our mission is summarized in 3 words: SERVE, OBSERVE, PROTECT.  

TO SERVE: A true leader is a servant of all. We serve our people, not as slaves, but as free people, with a love and passion for our Raza. When a person is obligated to serve it creates resentment, anger, and hatred; but when one serves with love it brings forth truth, joy, justice, and peace. We serve our Raza with community outreaches providing free food and clothing and other services to the less fortunate, helping single mothers fix things around their homes or their vehicles, providing mental and emotional support for impacted families, and bring peace to the streets from gang warfare, help women impacted by domestic violence, paint murals to raise cultural and political awareness, and help education and train youth. These are just a few examples of the many things we have done over the years.

TO OBSERVE: We keep a watchful eye on all federal, state, city, organizations, and private entities (whether they be colonizer or our own Raza) and prevent them from taking advantage of and abusing our people. We video record, catalog abuses, and protest against anybody responsible, holding them accountable for their actions. We support and often participate in the efforts of Copwatch and other groups and individuals who are documenting issues that arise in the community, even working to alert the community of illegal police checkpoints, government overreach, corruption, and abuse.

TO PROTECT: We are not the aggressors but we hold steadfastly to the right to self defense. We protect and secure the rights of Chicanos by any means necessary. As Protectors of the Circle we take on the responsibility to become a shield, a shelter, for the members of our family, our friends, our sacred spaces, and our community. We must heal and prepare ourselves Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically to offer them that protection. We are not Enforcers like the police, we are Protectors. As Protectors we have the sacred duty to create and hold space so that regular members of our community and activists can operate with freedom and safety.