We believe in Matriarchal Militancy, a term we coined and defined in the Brown Beret Organization, because not only were we the first National Organization to promote and fully empower a mujer to the position of National Commander, but also move the entire organization into a Matriarchal structure. We uplift Indigenous Matriarchy because it is very clear to us that Indigenous Chicanas not only face machismo, and catholic religious restrictions (Marianismo), but now living in the US, face misogyny, rape culture, and oppression by White/European women as well who view Indigenous Chicanas as a threat. Indigenous matriarchy is not based upon women being better than men or abusing and hating men, but instead they see the need for a restoration of balance, the harmony in duality, women and men working together to co-create and empower each other. It is about community, equality, justice, loyalty, and love. Our Indigenous societies were traditionally Matriarchal as women were viewed as sacred, life givers, creators, and protectors. All the way down to our chromosomes we have unique differences that makes our duality special, we cannot exist without one another. It is how our people survived and thrived and how we shall continue.

It is often said that Matriarchs cannot be militants, that militancy is “patriarchal” only belonging to “toxic males”, and Matriarchs should just be relegated to the kitchen, praying, doing art, educating, and raising children. That is absolutely absurd and sounds even more patronizing and patriarchal then what they are arguing against! Women are fighters too, but why they fight is different from a man. Men fight for ego, power, glory, and sex, but women fight for love, and as Che said, a true revolutionary is moved by great feelings of love!  The lion, the so-called “King of the Jungle”, is only there because the lionesses allow him to be. If he becomes abusive, or harms the cubs, the lionesses themselves will run him out or kill him. A mother bear, although smaller than a male bear, is more vicious and will attack and run out a male bear if it gets too close to her cub. The ants, termites and honey bees, have queens that completely run their nests and hives with complex social structures. Having Matriarchal Militancy is therefore a natural thing, an evolution of consciousness of Indigenous Chicana mujeres who have become empowered and want to be leaders and soldiers fighting on the frontlines because they love their families and their communities. From the Zapatistas to the Community Militias rising up across Mexico to fight against the cartels, it was all started by women, so here we follow that example and establish ourselves as the first and only Matriarchal Militant revolutionary organization.